No. 4 Lilash eyelash serum
Capacity: 2 ml/ 4 ml
The characteristic of the product is a black container with violet elements. Lilash looks quite good but it slightly differs from other more professional brands. Its task is boosting eyelash growth and making lashes stronger. However, the current condition of our lashes is crucial in case of this eyelash enhancer. It is harder to restore health in extremely damaged lashes. Regrettably, Lilash serum fails to provide such a deep action.
Lilash eyelash serum
It comes in a two-colour dark box. Lilash serum itself (or its bottle) is silver, quite small. Two capacities are available: larger 4 ml and smaller 2 ml. The silver plastic vial has nothing that would make it stand out among other eyelash enhancers. Standard packaging, typical applicator, colourless and watery Lilash serum.
How does Lilash eyelash serum work?
Depending on the size we choose, the treatment lasts from three to six months. If Lilash enhancer is our choice, going for a larger capacity is a better idea. It effectively stimulates eyelash growth, slightly thickens the lashes and gives the eye definition. Lilash serum makes them stronger week by week but provided that it is applied regularly. You should see the effect after a few weeks. It is not the best product, though.
Application method
The way of applying Lilash eyelash serum brings no surprises. It has a thin brush of quite hard bristle. Spreading the serum on the roots of lashes is quite simple with this applicator. One thin line on each eyelid is enough to make Lilash work. It is important to apply it to clean skin and not to use too much of the product. It must be applied every day so you should bear that in mind.
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